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The Ballad of Pearl Harbor
Just sitting there mighty The ships and the people. Flying American Flags and the eagle. Just sitting in harbor That Sunday morn, Oblivious to battle And coming forlorn. Drinking their coffee And eating their breakfast Things were going Right along with their wishes When suddenly a soldier Did speak up and say, "They're some blips on the radar And they're coming our way!" Then the officer said "Now look here you see, They're our boys coming home In their B-17's. So don't get all worked up, No excitement today, So get back to working And resting and play!" Now planes flying by Were soon to be heard But a shout soon went up "Hey! Those are not our birds!" Explosions to follow Soon filled the sky Now stand up and fight, Or lay down and die Guns fired back, The battle was on, But pretty soon after The battleships were gone! They were stuck in the harbor With no way out, And smoke's hanging over The harbor in clouds A valiant defensive The defenders put forth Desperately trying to Even the score, But their goals completed The enemy turned back Leaving behind them Devastation and black Many men died On that fateful day But a little luck came The American's way! Their carriers were still, Far out at sea, And part of the battle They never did be! Pearl Harbor will live on In infamy Stories of those who died To keep their land free! Their ultimate sacrifice Helped the whole world to see That America's the land Of the brave and the free! Warriors4Trump Comment Policy
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Please be sure to review our community guidelines before commenting. Thank you! Warriors4Trump Comment Policy
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